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Bux4TheWin- First 3000 Members will get a free ULTIMATE Membership
"Get paid to view advertisements! As a member, you'll get paid for viewing ads. And better - for being one of our first members, you'll get a special bonus - First 3000 Members will get a free ULTIMATE Membership.
But that's not all. We will have a special signup bonus to get you off to a good start.

• First 250 members - 5$ in their Purchase balance.
• 250-500 members - 4$ in their Purchase balance.
• 500-750 members - 3$ in their Purchase balance.
• 750-1000 members - 2$ in their Purchase balance.
• 1000-1500 members - 1$ in their Purchase balance.
• 1500-5000 members - 0.5$ in their Purchase balance.

More information about our contests and prices you can find on our FORUM. Together we can achieve everything. Thank you for the support!"

$ 0.02/click- 9ads/day
$0.0115/ ref click
payout max 165%
paymin out $2 (100click), pay manually PP,AP